When to apply for infant care?
Hi, I’m midway through my pregnancy. Would like to know when to apply for infant care? Heard the waiting time can be up to 9mos? Please help 😣 #firsttimemom

I have tried to register my interest but cannot. One of the infant care replied me as below. Hope that helps. "We wish to share with you that as per ECDA’s regulations, you may submit your preliminary registration online up to 3 months of your Estimated Due Date (EDD). Kindly visit ECDA’s online Preschool Search Portal to register for your preferred centres:https://cms.ecda.gov.sg/preschool (This website is best viewed via Chrome.) Once your child is born and you have attained the Birth Certificate you will need to log in to update with the details such as birth certificate number, date of birth and citizenship details to remain on the waitlist. Your interests will be removed if you do not update the child’s details within a month from the EDD. You are encouraged to waitlist for more centres to widen your search. The waitlist is processed automatically on a first come first serve basis as and when vacancies arise in the corresponding age group in the centre. Once we are able to make the offer of placement based on the waitlist we assure you that we will contact you one to two months ahead of the offered enrolment month"
Read more3mth b4 edd is for myfirstskool etc. maplebear etc dont have. can apply if you can afford it.
Can start to apply now.