Heart beat monitor?

Im a first time mom, currently 4 months preggy. Im enjoying the journey but i get too anxious too quickly during this journey 🫣 So, currently my appointments are scheduled like once a month, and on those weeks that I dont have appointments, I get really anxious about my baby. I keep thinking if a miscarriage might happen, especially when I couldnt feel the movements of the baby yet. Hence, im thinking of getting a heart rate monitor so i can check on my baby anytime my anxiety comes up. Has anyone bought a heart rate monitor before? How is it for you, did it help with reassuring you or its worst cause at times you cant detect the heart beat?? 🙃

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I had 2 pregnancy loss before finally conceived with the 3rd one. During the 3rd pregnancy I told myself if it is meant to be, baby will arrive safely. I let go of all the worries (it is hard but keep practising bit by bit), do activities and eat food that makes me happy. The point here is there are always 2 sides to everything - the monitor may help to give assurance for some but can also cause even more unnecessary stress for some other. Only you know your own personality the best - do what makes u comfortable

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