How much is the total delivery cost?
Hi, I'm just confused on this bill breakdown. What's the total cost for delivery alone from this bill? #adviceplease

Just delivery only, should be $8,076.55 - $2,747.66 (antenal claims-pre delivery expenses) = $5,328.99. Net payment made is the deposit you made during the financial counseling? if you have chosen private class, usually a deposit is needed. you will need to see the 2nd page to see what are those adjustments referring to. when there is a credit balance of -$239.11, it means there is refund. you should receive this by cheque if you have made payment by cash or nets, back to credit card if you made deposit by credit card. for this bill likely no action to be taken. just wait for the refund. or sometimes this credit balance will offset the baby's bill if baby's bill has an outstanding balance. need to refer to baby's bill as well. if you want a more detailed and accurate info with your billing, you can contact the number on the 2nd page. your billing officer will be able to advise you better. i may be wrong cos its missing 2nd pg and baby's bill. -formerly a hospital billing officer
Read moreThe negative amount from the credit balance is what the hospital will be returning to you. I was admitted for 11 days, on my 36th weeks pregnant till i gave birth on 37th weeks. I was charged $16k+. But lucky i didn't have to pay a single cent.
$8,076.55 - $2,273.66 (i believe you have not made any payment of this amount and the hospital has adjusted your bill), total delivery cost should be $5,802.89 (you paid by Medisave & cash) if i m not wrong.
free? cos it's a negative amount
First time mummy