Breast Milk
Im 7months pregnant but not yet have breast milk. Is that normal? Will i have breastmilk after i deliver?#advicepls #pregnancy

Hey mama, No stress! While I do realise that some mothers will leak from the breast when they’re into their third trimester, every mama and pregnancy is different! The placenta which is attached to you and baby right now produces high levels of estrogen and progesterone and this inhibits the production of breastmilk. It is when the placenta is birthed after the birth of your baby that oxytocin and prolactin will increase to produce colostrum or baby’s first milk. Also, baby’s stomach is the size of a cherry at birth so a teaspoonful of colostrum (which is a multivite) for baby is all she/he will need. This is also the reason why newborns feed often and frequently - this causes mamas to think they don’t have enough milk when the truth is, if baby’s output is doing well (number of dirty diapers and number of wet diapers as well as weight gain - although it is normal for baby to lose up to 10% of her birth weight), baby is getting sufficient amount of milk. Most important thing is to ensure that baby has a good latch and has lots of skin to skin at birth. This is key in establishing a good breastfeeding relationship and breastfeeding supply. Hope this helps mama!
Read moreBM come after delivery. Let baby latch on your will help to generate the supply. Have a safe delivery and enjoy your last trimester!
I did not have bm during pregnancy. Only after i delivered then slowly it came.
I produced breast milk 2-3 days after I delivered my baby.