Baby movements

I'm 28+5 today, want to know if all mummies are feeling the constant baby movements everyday? I can sometimes from morning to afternoon no movement and when evening comes its super active. Very worried about counting movements and want to find out is it too early to not feel so much movements yet.

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I think the general rule is 10 kicks in 2 hours. But after a while you'll understand your baby's routine and know when he's active and when he isn't. My baby's usually more active at night too, usually after 8pm. Before that if there's no food intake, he's usually asleep. But also keep in mind some mummies have a placenta position that makes it difficult for them to feel the kicks and movements. I also bought the fetal doppler thing to hear the heartbeat cos sometimes I get anxious too hahahaha

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Diff fetus diff movement based on my experience. My first was a boy and he also move and kick during evening but once he is out he is super active 😄 whereas now I’m # 2 move from day to night very active.