KKH glucose test
Ill be going for my glucose test @ KKH next month and not sure what to expect. Only know i need to fast and therell be 3 blood test. Any tips to not vomit out, as ive been hearing alot about it. And are we allowed to take sips of water after drinking the glucose ? #advicepls #firsttimemom

Tbh for me personally, the drinking part wasn’t a big issue. The first sip gave me a shock due to the thickness/sweetness. After a while, I was okay drinking it. The waiting game from the second blood test to the final blood test (1st- 8.30am, 2nd- 9.30am, 3rd- 10.30am) was challenging because I was starting to feel light-headed a few times due to hunger but I manage to pull through by walking around. I think maybe a tip from me is to occupy yourself (watch Netflix? Walk around?) while waiting so you don’t feel the hunger and thirst. You can only have very little sips of water, not too much as I think they can find out through your blood test if you drink too much water along the waiting time. You wouldn’t wanna redo the test again 😣 You can do it mummy!!! 💪🏼🥳 The drink looks something like this (or maybe it’s this cos there’s different brands 😂)
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i just did last month, believe me the taste of the drink is similar to Fanta orange but not gassy lah.. just drink bit by bit and relax. after drinking, nurse will say u can take sip of water no eating cuz there'll be another round of blood taking. Just don't think of getting vomit just focus of getting done and over with. The results will come the day itself, this you can check tru ur health buddy app. if ur results failed u will receive a call from the nurses. The day before the test i stop eating before 7pm and drink plenty of mineral.
Read morelike a mummy above mentioned , it tastes like non gassy Fanta orange. don't need to drink it too fast , probably that's why alot people vomit. take it nice and slow , you can take small sips of water if you'd like. sadly kkh doesn't provide the drink cold. just tahan abit for the blood tests to be over and after that you can eat and drink already 🫢 ps , I had thosai right after I ended my test hahahah!.
Read morehello, u need to fast 8-12hrs before the test. cn only drink sips of water after the test if not the result will be inaccurate. personally it wasnt that bad for me. it tasted like fanta orange but if u really cant stand the sweetness, drink slowly and finish it before 5-10 mins. thn have some fresh air outside and dnt think so.much abt it. by the time u walk ard, its time fr ur next blood draw.
Read moreYou can only drink plain water and no food till the last blood test has been drawn out. Idk what tips can I give you. But, first child I wanted to vomit during second drawn blood, I endure till the last drawn. Immediately vomit out. Second child so far so good.
I used a straw (brought it in when my hubby bought a drink from yakun!) Mine was lime and I feel like it was deflated super sweet 7 up??? the nurse didnt even let me drink water, only one sip to cleanse my palate after downing the glucose
the taste is like freaking sweet orange drinks. for what I rmb is only able to take a sip of water, other than that nothing else, and just wait to take the blood test hourly.
The bottle of orange liquid is abit thick. Just drink slowly. Within a time limit they give u. They will be interval blood test for u.
hi just curious , at which week should i go doctor to check on my baby . I'm currently 7 weeks n have not went to any doctors yet
is not that bad as what we heard.. just drink it slowly and sip alittle of water.