Newborn routine

Hi, ill be delivering in sept and wonder what is usually newborn’s daily routine through out the day, to prepare myself. From morning till night, what do they/ mummy do usually ? And do they sleep most of the time ? How long of a tummy time do they need and when is the best time to do tummy time? If they happen to sleep during feeding time, do we need to wake them up to feed or leave them to sleep. #firsttimemom #firstbaby

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Suggest u to sleep as much as u can now. Or just get a confinement nanny who’s paid to tc of baby automatically (no need to feel paiseh passing baby to them, parents or in law u will feel paiseh) For me. Baby not difficult to take care but it’s the routine that is taking away all my rest time. In between got 10-15mins short naps consider very lucky already. 8am baby wake up to feed (bottle) 8.30am finish feeding 9am burped and make him sleep 9.15am wash bottle and sterilise 9.30am pump and eat breakfast 10.30am keep BM and wash pump parts 1100 baby wake up for feeding again 1130 baby finish feeding let him rest a while 1200 shower 1230 his shower done, play time alone. I go shower 1300 laundry quick nap 1330 prepare for post natal massage let my mum feed baby 1530 post natal massage finish, wash up. Eat lunch 1630 baby feeding again (Repeat process)

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