A little pressured from the app’s milestone guidelines

I sometimes feel like this app is stressing me out and pressuring me on baby’s milestones and development. Altho i understand different baby, different pace. Like everyday i would read the description on baby’s supposed “progress” and it stresses me out. I know it’s just a rough guideline but i can’t help but to feel like sometimes baby is lagging behind. He’s still small, 3 months old. He does better tummy time now, can hold his head upright a few mins before he gets tired or cranky. But when he’s sitting on our lap, his head tend to still be fragile and fall to the front, if you get what i mean. Means his neck strength still quite weak. However the app says my baby has to have a better neck strength and would able to control head when sitting on lap or during tummy time he should be lifting his shoulders too, doing mini push ups. #firsttimemom #worried

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I like the guidelines as I’m a FTM too. It gives me an idea of what to do with my baby during free time. I don’t sweat whether she achieves the goals “on time”, I just let things happen naturally. Maybe your baby has a heavier head? Just saying, cause my girl’s has big head like her parents 🤣 Our parents didn’t have all these guidelines during their time and we turned out just fine. So try to relax a bit

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