Pregnancy Care
I read some articles and some advice pregnant mum to avoid using chemicals (eg: from detergent, house cleaning agents, spray, perfume etc). However, this is really difficult to avoid as I still need to clean my house. What's your opinion? #firstbaby #1stimemom #pregnancy #advicepls

I did continue using cleaning agents throughout the pregnancy as I was still managing the household chores. For me, I washed my hands thoroughly if I have touched the cleaning agents and I avoided using bleach. You can consider using gloves and ensuring the place is well ventilated :)
I tried to avoid using harsh detergent and cleaning agents and opted for natural cleansing agents instead. Can consider brands like Method or Pipper Standard. You can continue using these even after your baby is born since it’s natural.
Oo.. That's a lot of things for mummy to learn.. Haha.. With apps available somemore.. So convenient.. Thanks for sharing
I just use as per normal nothing change no issue. I guess it's pretty personal whether will you be very particular about all these. I even spray perfume on my clothes.
Haha.. I agree with you.. But I stop using perfume since I know I am pregnant.. For the cleaning agents, it will be quite difficult since I have already stock up some previously
I have changed brands ever since I was trying to conceive. seventh generation, biohome, there are alot of non toxic brand out there that is safe for you and family
Oic.. Thanks for sharing! Will take a look on the brands.. 😉
Dreaming of becoming a parent