Canned Tuna Ayam Brand
I read mixed opinion about canned Tuna. But i really feel like having some and havnt had it for quite long. Any mummies had Tuna during pregnancy?#advicepls #pregnancy #firstmom

I had some during pregnancy. Currently in 27 weeks, probably had canned tuna 4 times so far. Will not have the whole can, but a small portion with a slice of bread. I choose the tuna flakes in water as it’s the healthier choice amongst all the flavours and will season it on my own.
My gynae advised not to eat tuna as it contains high mercury. So I tried canned salmon instead, it tasted similar to the canned tuna. Maybe u can try that? 😊
i had a few canned tuna . just rmbr to eat everything in moderation . for me raw food is a no go & others i shuld just take in moderation
I had a few during my pregnancy. Everything in moderation, don’t read too much online 😊.
tuna is not advisable to eat while your pregnant as that contains high mercury .
In moderation as tuna is high in mercury.
yes. I did. tuna, sardine 😂