Pre delivery medisave claim
Can i know how predelivery claim works? Because I'm under subsidy, so wanna know if my hospital bill is all claimable by medisave and no need to pay any cash. For the pre delivery claim the 900 will be cash? Or how will it be given to us? #firstbaby #pregnancy #1stimemom #advicepls

The pre-delivery MEDISAVE claim up to $900 is through Medisave. Not cash. They will reimburse to your Medisave. You won’t get a cheque or cash into your bank account. If you choose A1 or B1 wards then you’ll have to topup cash (few thousand dollars) upon admission and considered private patient already. Your follow up check ups will also be considered under private. If you don’t want to pay anything upfront then choose B2 or C wards. Safe bet is C Ward. Anw you’ll be there for 2-3 days only, plus it’s Covid so don’t think you can have visitors. I think sometime during your pregnancy, you’ll receive a SMS link to check on the cost of the wards via HealthHub. Here’s an example of how much you need to topup if you choose B1 Ward at KKH via Normal Delivery.
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All your hospital bills for maternity will be claimable via Medisave not cash. For subsidies, you can only choose ward B2 or ward C. I agree with Anonymous that you'll only be staying in the hospital for a day or 2 for normal delivery or 3 days for c-sect and that is, if there is no complications after delivery. Visitors are allowed but depending on which hospital and only a few numbers can come since it's Covid. You will have to fork out cash if you choose the private ward like A1 or B1 and all your consultations after that will be considered as private too. During your 1st few consultation, you will be given a piece of paper on roughly how much your hospital stay will be. Keep that to note.
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