Does bust enlargement supplement works?

I have a boy and a girl, and am not planning to have anymore kids. My breaststroke has become...less appealing to me after breastfeeding. My husband says he doesn't mind but he look at other women with big boobs.. For my own self esteem, I wish they weren't as deflated and were perkier and firmer closer to what they used to be. I don't want to have plastic surgery to fix them partially because of the pain and risk, but also because I know that it's not as simple as it's made out to be and you need to replace implants every so often (can't remember exactly, but I know it's years, enough times for it to seem inconvenient). And just imagining a botched breast lift scares me.. Anyway, I recently came across a supplement by Holistic Way called “Bust Blossom”. It allegedly helps to nourish breast tissue and maintaining firmness of the bust. I looked at the review in shopee, some say it does benefit them. If anyone here has taken it or has knowledge of the ingredients and any other recommendations, please advise me! 🙏🏻 I'd like to find something that helps me feel better about the physical appearance of my breasts, but if this wouldn't work I wouldn't be totally defeated because they were caused by pregnancy/breastfeeding of both my wonderful kids and my husband knows this and still finds every opportunity to show me how much he still finds me attractive and loves me.

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