Feels like a single parent

I have a beautiful 14mths old baby girl (my one and only). Shes a toddler and thus, it is normal to be very active and sometimes cranky or having bouts of tantrums. I feel like a single parent at home tending my baby by myself although i have a husband. My girl doest want to be with the father. She would cry murder with tears rolling and would jerk and arch her body backwards not wanting to be held by the father. Im stressed coz i dun know wot to do. I cant even shower, go toilet or do anything without her being by myself. Had to babywear it gets bad. She has started walking but refuses to and will cling on me at times. It stressed me out when the father shouts at her whenever shes crying or having tantrums. He will say something like not wanting her to be showing tantrums and that he cannot stand her cryings/noise. This is like handling 2 difficult beings all my myself. But the father is definitely the main stress toxic factor. Is it normal for anyone of you moms to be facing similar situation where baby doesnt want the father? Please spare some advises to help a depressed helpless FTM, here. I am trying my very best to not crack and to remain composed because i know my baby needs me.

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