GBS Result KKH
Hi! I just got my GBS Swab done today. May I know when and how will the doctor advice if the result is positive? My next appointment is in 3 weeks time and it’s long from now. I’m a sub patient from KKH.

You’ll know on your next appt. If you’re positive, gynae will advise you that you’ll need to administer antibiotics before you can give birth because it can pass on to baby and can be fatal. I was Group B Strep positive and was administered antibiotics during labour. Baby came out 3.7kg via emergency c-sect as I had complications. She’s 15 months old now healthy as a horse. 😅 Nothing much can be done if you’re positive. If you’re not, that’s great news for you.
Read morearound 2 weeks i think. dr will just make sure to indicate that you are gbs+ and be sure to inform all the staff when delivering because you’ll need antibiotics. no big issue for birth. i’m fine and LO is fine at 2m now