Stressed with MIL

I am a first time mother who just gave birth few days ago… I feel so stressed up with my MIL who would force me to breastfeed my baby and she would literally comment on everything i do. I have a hard time latching and i could only pump milk which is so tiring mentally and physically and the comments from my MIL stress me up even more. Is it so wrong to give baby formula milk? What should i do :( #advicepls

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What I’ll do when people interfere with my mummy business.. I’ll just say, “It’s okay lah, every babies are different with different needs. Same goes for every mothers, they also have different capabilities.” Then just go in one ear and out the other, totally shut off and pretend like it’s a spoilt and annoying radio/TV. If you’re brazen enough, just tell your MIL upfront that your milk haven’t come in yet and that you’re trying your best. At least you don’t starve your baby. Everytime she comments on something, just either keep quiet or just said ok. Then shut off. Pretend to be dumb. If all else fails, tell your husband she’s the contributor of your post-natal depression and get the hell out of there or just stay in the room and stop talking to her. If she’s handling your confinement whatnots, tell her don’t need. You’ll do it yourself, or ask help from your husband or whoever available. People like this need to be more stern and stand your ground. They think they’re old, they eat salt earlier than us means they know everything, please lah. This is 2022, not 1922.

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I am so sorry you are going through this. Lots of hugs to you. I gave birth end jan and still having a hard time latching my baby. I bought nipple shield which allows her to suck at least 5 mins each breast. I pump 6x a day and it is tiring. I was very stressed for a month esp with ppl arnd me telling me what to do. Can you jus do one thing mama, just carry on doing what is best for your baby and yourself. If u r stressed, nth will work out well. Shut out ur MIL or tell her, you are figuring out BF-ing and believe time and practice will allow baby to latch on. Actually tbh, just nod nod and let her opinions slide away. Lots of tight hug. BF is stressful, pumping is stressful! You are right on track.

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She’s staying with you?? Bring your baby in the room, lock it up until you are done with feeding. Tell her she don’t need to shadow your movements. Some boomers can be pretty annoying 🙄🙄 I’ll be due in May but I’ve informed every single one that I won’t be expecting any guests over until the baby is at least 2weeks old. Vid calls will suffice. I don’t need help for confinement anyway & will be able to managed stuffs myself, apart from arranging for post natal massages of coz. It’s for the safety of the baby plus I need all the rest that I cld during my first few weeks of PP.

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it’s not wrong at all. fed is best, no matter FM or BM. i totally feel you, when monster-in-law (MIL) gives unnecessary and stupid comments when YOU are the mother. my mil also told me not to pump because not fresh. feel like telling her to f off and shut up, never even ask for her opinion. i hope your husband can talk to her. or the best advice is you have to internally just learn to ignore her.. but i know it’s a very difficult solution, i’m also learning to do the same and struggling. heck care what she says and do what’s best for you! sending lots of love and support to you!

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Feeding formula doesn’t means you’re a bad mother and wrong. Be it FM or BM, a well fed baby is a happy baby, which is the utmost important to me. I know it’s hard but try to ignore her, and bring your baby to the room. When my baby being cranky and cry, my mil even told me that i don’t know how to carry my baby comfortably that’s why she keep crying. Such an insult to a mother. All these mil should know their place and stop giving additional stress to a new mother.

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I also mixed feed my baby until now (coming 7 mths alr). Although i always dun hv enuf to feed her coz my supply is insufficient.. when we go out then rely more on Fm. I was once super stress because no one take care or my baby and its hard to hv time to pump when i am alone taking care. As long as baby grow up healthily i dun c any issue. I had very bad blocked milk ducts and got vvv stress somemore. Non stop crying! So i know the tiredness mentally n physically.. not easy

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ignore n do what you think is right, that's me hahaha... I will just 😶 or the most acknowledge n continue my way if u don't feel like talking, ask your hubby to talk to his mom I don't communicate with my in-law at all, not because I'm rude is because I don't want to be rude, I afraid my word will hurt them 😅 my child my way😉

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3y ago

Same here… esp when i am annoyed, i might be rude or she might perceptive it differently. To maintain a good relationship, leave the talking to hubby.

Just remember, u are the mother of the child, u dictates what u can do and cannot do, not MIL. As a mother, its our natural instinct to give the best for our children and will do our best. If you know u did your best, just ignore MIL. Dont stress and get urself into depression. That wont do good for everyone. be brave to reject for your own mental health.

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Not at all ! You can always give formula! No matter what momey !! You are doing good All these small things don’t keep in mind As long as u are keeping ur baby tummy full it’s okay ! Make sure u are happy that is what matters And happy momeyy =happy baby

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*hugs* I have friends who chose not to breastfeed at all. You are the mother of your child. Do what you think is right. Your mental and emotional health is important too so please try your best to ignore and not take it to heart love.