Is it bad to use pacifier when baby cries?

I don’t use pacifier to make baby sleep but sometimes when she cries and just wouldn’t stop even with rocking etc then is it bad to give pacifier? Will she be reliant if it’s just like once a day or so?#advicepls

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I agree with anonymous. Chuck aside the outdated belief about reliant on pacifier/rocking etc. U are there and tending to babys needs. So its okay continue what ure doing! Keep tending and meeting baby needs as long as its not dangerous (for u and baby) Remember when baby cries or whines whatever it is, baby needs the connection with u and have its needs met (hunger, tummyache, overtired, anxious, scared etc etc). U be babys constant, the trusted adult okay If u hit the stage maybe by one years or two years old and u are worried about babys teeth n gums, or speech issues from pacifier, then consult ur peads for further steps to wean. But right now baby will be super upset plus ure gonna be exhausted and might even snap! So choose ur battles its okay 👍🏻

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1y ago

Thank you for the reply 💕

If you’re scare that baby rely on pacifier, try to limit to nap and sleep time only, it helps baby sleep better and caregivers can rest too, win-win! It will drop out of the mouth when baby fell asleep, just don’t put it back until baby make a fuss. Can only use pacifier as the last resort eg I’ll let baby self soothe and sleep on his own, if unsuccessful after awhile then offer pacifier. Slowly lengthen the time before offering pacifier. Weaning wise, not much issue also. I just kept it - out of sight out of mind :)

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It’s definitely a life saviour for mine. Reliant wise, definitely if you use it often, but they will grow out of it. I prefer a happy and peaceful baby over a cry murder one. My LO stopped pacifier on her own at 18m. It was unexpected tho, I was thinking of upsizing her pacifier and changed to another brand, she didn’t like it and when I offered the old one, she thinks it’s the new one so she rejected both. So I took the chance to keep all pacifiers out of her sight and she fully weaned off 😅.

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Try not to give as it can be hard to wean her off. I never used it on my first born as he really hated it and only wanted to latch. But for my 2nd I tried using it once last month when we board the plane. She didn't want at first but managed to soothe her till she slept during takeoff and landing.

have you ever seen any adult using pacifier? no, because no matter what we will outgrow them. so don't let the comments worry you too much, if your baby is inconsolable except when using pacifier, and you have no time to handle this, just use it there's no need to feel bad!

Yes, they will be dependable on it. I didnt use it on my baby since birth. U just need to know how to soothe ur baby when they cries. I believed as moms ourselves we know our babies well…

Not bad. I give pacifier but unfortunately my boy hates it so much. I have to keep holding on to it so that he doesnt let go 😅 otherwise it goes in n immediate out all the time…

1y ago

Mine still hates it…

Do whatever that makes baby at peace and mummy sane. I give pacifier when baby fuss. I dint even care what people say about not giving pacifier. Rather than baby cry murder

1y ago

Thank you!

No it's not bad, but please don't force the pacifier if it's not working.

1y ago

It works but was afraid baby too reliant. Thanks!

Why bad? It’s there for a reason. Letting baby cry is even worse

1y ago
