A noob question
I just done my self pregnancy test kit and I saw the magical lines. Still recovering from shock and surprise. Can I check when should you consult a doc when you realised that is showing positive results? Should I take another test again? I'm like passing close to 4 days of my original menses date. #1stimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp

I went to GP (week 5 plus) cos was feeling nauseous and thought it was my gastric acting up but took a pee test and it came out positive. booked for gynae appt at almost week 6 cos wanna seek remedy for my nausea and wanna do an ultrasound sound scan to ensure there's embryo and is growing. meanwhile, GP advised me to take folic acid and told me to buy from pharmacy at guardian or Watson. it's 5mg/tablet, $4 for 40 or 50 tablets.
Read moreFor my case , since this is my 2nd pregnancy . Tbh i plan this pregnancy. So around 13 dpo (date past ovulation) i start taking pregnancy test . And theres a line . I wait for my suppose menses date , then i go poly to confirm the pregnancy and also get a referral letter to kkh . As i going for the subsidies route . Around 6-7 weeks of pregnancy u can go book gynea or go poly . Coz too early also they only can see the sac .
Read morecongratulations!! I'm also a FTM passed 35 yrs old, I was in shock too when I got my first positive. Waited until late at night to tell my husband about it as I needed abit of time for the info to sink in me first and think of how to tell my husband. I went to the private gynae the next day for a checkup and to get folic acide and duphaston. Since we are older, I think it's ok to be more kiasu to see the gynae as early as we can.
Read moreGo to polyclinic for referral if u plan to go down the subsidised route! Else look up any gynaes first n slowly source for a "better" one. They'll prescribe u folic acid at this stage
Congratulations! You can start to book your Gynae at week 6 - or 7 then they might be able to do a scanning - so you can see the baby and hear the heartbeat :)
you can book your gynae or get a refferal from poly asap! congratulations 🎈
no worries, always keep yourself calm and composed! remember to start your folic acid asap and take care of yourself. you might want to start on dividing your meal into smaller proportions to navigate the morning sickness away! ginger helps! try not to consume coffee for the time being, raw meat, sushi, undercooked egg! get plenty of rest and drink lots of warm water! i consumed milk for my first two trimesters one cup morning and cup at night! you can do that also or change to yoghurt up to you! wishing you all the best and have a healthy pregnancy always 🤍