Pains in the third trimester

I am currently in my 31st week of pregnancy and am encountering more and more pains: I woke up one morning and had finger joints pain, so much so I can’t clench my fist or basically hold things that require the bending of finger joints. Then, my feet starts to hurt whenever I’m on my feet, standing or walking. It is swollen which I expect but the pain makes it really hard to be on my feet. I suspect I might have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) as my pubic bone hurts a lot whenever I stand up after sitting and walking. Most times I have issues even trying to sit up in bed. Anyone has encountered all of the above? The pain is beginning to get to me and I’m unsure if I want to see a doctor about them, since I understand that certain uncomfort is expected during third trimester #adviceplease #firstimemom #FTM

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