Depressed and full of regrets?
I am 28F and both my parents passed away not too long ago. Actually my mom had passed just early this year. I am currently at 16W and I haven't been eating right nor on time. I have to take care of the house and my brothers (have mental issues) and work shifts (day & night). My husband is also busy w work as well. I am having regrets about bringing another being into my life because I really don't want my baby to suffer. I miss my parents every day and it hurts that I practically have no one to depend on. I'm a frontline worker so work hasn't been forgiving either. Initially when I found out I was pregnant, I didn't want to keep because of my lifestyle and work. My husband and I didn't plan for this and it just happened. We don't use contraceptives because he has fertility issues and this whole pregnancy thing came as a big surprise. Any moms here feels similar way? Any moms here end up keeping the baby despite your circumstances? #pleasehelp #firstbaby #1stimemom