Snoring husband
My husband snores very loud but I kinda got used to it. However, since baby sleeping with us, baby was startled by his snoring every night. What should I do. Baby is 3months now. #advicepls

Baby will get used to it! My husband snores like some tractor mixed dinosaur and I have 2 dogs too. We have been cosleeping since day 1, occasionally will get startled but she got used to it. She even tried to mimick “korrrrrrrrr (daddy’s snore)” when we ask her “how daddy sleep?”. She got used to it real fast but not mummy, sometimes I’m the one hearing all of their snores at night (baby and dog’s snores included) till I can’t sleep 😂
Read moreWe slept with baby since day one and my hb snores very loudly. My ger got used to it (after so many yrs i still cant get used to it). Its so bad tat even with doors closed, i can hear the snores from my main door (and thats like one end to the other). Hence for my sanity, we dun slp together lol
When he snore you can push him in a way he won’t wake up for him to sleep sideways. Let him move abit. Once he move the snoring will stop usually. Baby will get use to it haha. Mine snoring like rocket can sleep. I sneeze and cough once he started cos seldom hear hahaha
Baby will get used to it. My husband snores like dinosaur and while sometimes his snores will wake and scare my baby, she randomly learns his snore one day. She thinks he’s a dinosaur and roars in his sleep. Also cosleeping, baby is 18+mo now and got very used to it. 😊
Same prob faced. My confinement nanny is leaving in a few days. How should I take turns to look after my LO with my helper? Shld I have my LO slp half a night with me n my hubby that snores like some T-Rex screaming in anger, and another half night with my helper?
Your husband could be suffering from a sleep disorder called sleep apnea, whereby the airway is blocked. Snoring is often one of the symptoms. A CPAP will help. Pls go read about sleep apnea and CPAP. Hope this helps.