Staying happy while pregnant

How do you all try to be happy while being pregnant? I am someone who is easily agitated and hot tempered. And i cannot control at all. ): at what weeks maybe can actually feel our emotions?? #advicepls

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I get so annoyed when my husband chews out loud (I nvr heard him chewing this loud before) and when he doesn’t keep the house neat n tidy. TBH I’m not having the best time being pregnant and I don’t know how to “enjoy” this pregnancy. The only thing that makes it better is when my baby rolls and kicks my belly - makes these long and uncomfortable time slightly better. I don’t know if baby feels our emotions, but realistically it’s best to calm ourselves down but I know it’s soooo hard!

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4y ago

Yeah me too. I don’t how to to enjoy this pregnancy. My husband keep the house tidy and neat but is a mama boy and i get affected alot by it even more after having this pregnancy.

I feel you too! What's worse, I'm 24/7 emotional 😅 Even small things I can tear up and cry. Such as just discussing with my husband if I want to stay over at my in laws there during my confinement. Currently week 30 but have this issue since week 6 😅 Not really enjoying this pregnancy as well but as I'm always tired, I will try to sleep this emotions off. Hang in there fellow mama

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i think its good to acknowledge what and how you are feeling, rather than keeping it inside 👍 one way to help would be to do things that make you happy or if u are feeling overwhelmed, maybe take a walk downstairs to cool off, eat some chocolate/snacks (dont overdo it!). A happy mommy = happy baby. Dont worry so much and live life for yourself and baby

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I get easily agitated and whatever my mil/ hubby said will triggered me further. I will tell myself to calm down inside my heart, so that it do not affect baby. Else I will step away n find a quiet place to talk to baby. Telling baby I will learn to be more patient n less agitated. Talking to baby makes me feel much better :)

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Being pregnant makes us all emotional, sometimes even for no reason at all! I try to listen to the music I like, or just have conversation with my husband. Those feelings come and go, feel it when you feel it :) I tell my husband not to take my outbursts personally haha

i feel you… i have been very sensitive and would get upset easily esp during 2nd and 3rd trim. (i was too busy feeling sick during 1st trim haha) I would just cry it out first, have me-time, and when i feel ready i will tell my husband what he did that upset me.

Same as you, hot tempered and easily agitated. And nowadays i easily get irritated by MIL, anything she says i also not happy 😓. So i try to avoid talking to her, although she visits every week. And watch some korean variety show to keep me laughing.

4y ago

minimise contact and interaction? maybe it's a blessing in disguise for us that we are living with mil but she doesn't care a bit about us.

I could get so emotional that I snapped or cry, perhaps due to the hormones surge and all. I try to listen to some soothing music, some nice songs or google for some jokes.

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Just try to read posts by moms who are proud and happy of their journey, maybe you'll be inspired and be glad at the same time ☺️

Is this because of surge in hormones? There are days I’m very agitated