How do we start baby first feed?
How do u start a baby for her first feeds or food?? Are purees advisable as a start?? :)#advicepls

Always start 1 item at a time.. for my girl i start with apple puree than 2 days later sweet patato than slowly add porridge with fish.....introduce new things 2 days at a time so that if ur baby allergic to anything you know. My daughter was allergic to ikan bilis had rashes all over. So this way easy to moniter if baby get rashes or diarrohea if eat certain food. Good luck.
Read moreYes purees was what my baby's PD recommended as a start. Fruits or veggies. But use only 1 ingredient every time to see if your baby is allergic to it or not. Feed the same for roughly 3-4 days. I started with ladyfingers banana puree which is less sweeter than the other range. My baby hates avocado till today 7 mths old no matter how I mixed with other fruits 😅
Read moreHi Surya! I started with brown rice cereal and avocado purée. There’re so many options to explore! Just make sure you try one thing at a time for 3 days to make sure baby doesn’t have an allergy.
Mummy, this article will definitely help: