Routine for my LO?

How important is it to have a routine for your LO? My LO is 8 months and I realised that these days she wakes up whenever, refuses to nap, and sleeps late. Perhaps it’s the sleep regression. However, I am wondering is it because we didn’t put a fixed schedule for her and we follow her cue. I read if LO is sleeping let them be, they will wake up when they are ready. But I feel like when my LO sleeps late, she wakes up late and it affects her nap time which eventually led to her being overtired. I also worry when she starts school she have a hard time because she is not used to having a schedule. I now thought maybe I should have some sort of schedule for her to follow so that she knows within a time frame this and that will happen etc. like wake up by 8am etc. Now we have a schedule but it is very flexible following her cue. But the routine is same everyday. 12pm eat just the wake up and sleep time and nap time that varies way too much. It lack total consistency. Very lost on what to do…

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Hi! I'm a fan of routines bc it makes things more predictable for baby (and eventually us), and baby will go through different phases of fighting sleep etc so they don't always know their bodies best yet and might not show early cues. Then by the time catch the sleepy cues might be a bit late and baby might be overtired But I am also not super strict like force baby to wake up at same exact time everyday. I have about a 30 mins range between 730-8am where I'll gently start to rouse baby like touch / stroke / pat him and he will wake up. From there I follow roughly same wake window everyday and over time, he now naturally wakes up between 730-8am (without me waking him) and sleeps between 8.30-9.30pm. Also at the start for his first nap timing, if I find that he looks very tired, I'll just follow the lower end of wake window. E.g. for 7 months it's between 2-3hours, if he is very tired then first nap is 2 hours after he wake up. His naps range between 45 mins to 1.5 hours, so everyday there is just a bit of variation but nothing too drastic. I didn't sleep train and baby falls asleep and can transfer within 10 mins usually!

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