Am i pregnant?
Hii i tested this today in the morning. First is before the 10min mark, second is after 10 mins mark. Is it positive? Help pls#advicepls #pleasehelp #firstbaby #pregnancy

looks positive but probably still early.. try to take again in another 2 days or more to confirm.. can take folic acid too, it may help to increase if really positive.. to be honest, I feel that any pregnancy kit is fine (I didn't use clear blue like most ladies) so don't stress over which kit to buy 😊
Read morehmmm 10 minute mark is bit too late to be accurate. get the clearblue pregnancy test kit. i'd suggest you test prolly 5 days after your supposed period. any earlier your HCG level might still be low and shows negative. you might just waste the kit. it's not cheap to start with. hehe.
please use clearblue. after 10mins.. test is not accurate. usually positive will appear within 3 mins. if you have missed your period, just use clearblue to test again, no need fmu. if u haven missed your period, then gotta wait next morning for fmu.
did you test after missing your period or before? cuz sometimes the HCG concentration is not sufficient to give a positive result soon! would advice to try on clear blue! best wishes on your beautiful journey ahead!
for my case, i tested it with clearblue pregnancy test to put my mind at ease and u might wanna wait for another 3 more days atleast and test again. hehe goodluck 🥰
seems like it! mine was like yours and it got darker over the next few days. congrats!
Looks like it . But better u take another 1-2 weeks time to test again ok :).
Thankyou ladies! & yes indeed i am pregnant 🥰

Just use a Clearblue Preganncy test kit.
maybe can try clear blue test kit?