Very bad nausea and vomitting
Help, im at week 11 and I have really bad nausea and vomitting since week 8, like vomit 15 times a days and salivate non stop. Diclectin doesnt help. Pls help!!!

I had this during my first pregnancy , please take really small amount of fruits or drinks . it will improve your appetite when youre about 7 months of pregnancy . Bring along some oil if you cant smell any food while walking in the mall , we mummies know its tough . Youre Strong ❤️
Yes vit b6 helps or u can try cold smoothie and eat small portions like a banana or a toast and most importantly have to keep urself hydrated as vomitting can cause dehydration which is very bad to ur body
go consult your gyne there are other options for meds... taking dry food might help - banana and bread
I got the same experience. polyclinic got me vitamin b6 to help ease nausea.
I took sparkling water, chewing gum, bread,
Take vitamin B6 it helps