Overpaid Confinement Nanny

Help! I have overpaid my confinement nanny on her last day of work. Forgotten I had paid deposit to her 6mths ago. She has yet to respond after a day. Any idea what should I do if she decided not to pay back?

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Oh no, that sounds like a frustrating situation! I completely understand how you feel. It can be stressful when you've overpaid someone and they're not responding. Here's what I would suggest: first, try reaching out to her again in a friendly and polite manner. Maybe she overlooked your message or hasn't had a chance to respond yet. If she still doesn't reply, consider asking for advice from the agency or person who connected you with the nanny. They might be able to help mediate the situation. If all else fails, you could seek legal advice on how to proceed. Hopefully, it won't come to that, and she'll understand the mistake and return the overpayment. Hang in there, I'm sure it will all work out in the end! https://invl.io/cll6she

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Is she a free lanced nanny or from agency? Agency nanny might be easier to get back the money as you can contact the agent. Do you have a screenshot of the deposit made to her? If yes, you can consider making a police report.

10mo ago

freelance.. she has yet to reply..

