Hai, boleh recommend brand stroller or car seat baby apa yang berkualiti?

You can consider phil & teds stroller. Now promo, only $189. Just buy a carseat that is compatible then can attach to the stroller already. I like this stroller cause there’s a 5-point harness, it’s super compact when folded, and it’s suitable to use from newborn onwards.
Read moreMe also using joie every stage convertible may use it from 0-36 kg..invest sekali untuk longterm use adalah sangat berbaloi..
Sy pakai brand mamas&papas model armadillo city. So far selesa, sesuai utk newborn sbb blh adjust seat
i luv stoller babyzen yoyo..very compact & easy to use..
Joie is very good and affordable!
brand chicco :)
Dreaming of becoming a parent