Tingkat Recommendations
Hello all! Just got to know I'm pregnant and looking to adjust my meals and take time to rest more. Any recommendations on healthy yummy tingkat delivery for dinner? Thank you! #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #advicemommies #advicepls #foodadvice

I think it's important to avoid alcohol (both in the marinate & cooking) and majority of the tcm herbs (red dates are ok). I've written a post about alcohol being unsafe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It's time to not be misinformed by waiters/chefs who thought that cooking can evaporate all alcohol and old school practices that thought that alcohol is good for confinement. The link to the alcohol post is here: https://community.theasianparent.com/q/alcohol-not-safe-babies-causes-brain-behavioral-delays-interrupts-with-ch/5077595?d=android&ct=q&share=true I'm also pregnant now so I've been requesting for non-alcohol, no msg and fully cooked takeaways. I prefer my food freshly cooked so I prefer takeaways over tingkat. tingkat tends to be cooked many hours before dinner. I google and check if the ingredients are safe for pregnancy before ordering e.g. avoid too much lemongrass, barley drink, etc. I'm personally going for Nouriche for confinement catering because they have alcohol-free option. But there are tcm herbs taken during confinement that are not safe during pregnancy. https://community.theasianparent.com/q/im-looking-alcohol-free-msg-free-confinement-food-catering-alcohol-causes/5069745?d=android&ct=q&share=true although confinement catering is cooked hours beforehand instead of fresh, since there isn't freshly cooked confinement meals and I want the tcm herbs, I have to go for confinement catering.
Read moreI've tried this catering,not bad. no msg, and feels very healthy. https://www.happymamapapacatering.com/tingkat-menu/