How often do you go for a full body checkup?
How often do you go for a full body checkup?
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Once a month
Once every 6 months
Once a year
I never do!
Others (please comment)

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Oh my the percentage of us who don’t go for checkup. It could save us a lot of trouble in the Long run to be aware of our health status. I should go for one soon

For those who does... is it weird to go to the doctor and be like “hey can i get a full body check up?” Are polyclinics even able to do that?

Anyone interested in having a full body evaluation? Contact me now for your free trial! Coach Julius@90620540

Once in every 6 months for the full family to make sure everything is fine with our bodies

I try to do once a year but it's more like once every 2-3 yrs.

It’s important to check my health

I think once a year is the minimum?

Under corporate scheme every year

once a year or whenever i need to

VIP Member

But that was 2 years