Poop frequency

Hi, ftm here. May I know if is normal for my 5mo baby to poop after almost every feed? Recently she poops Abt 5 times a day. She is on mixed feeding. #advicepls

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Hi mummy, what color is ur LO’s poop, and izzit diarrhea? U may wanna call ur PD to check?

2y ago

Don’t use dry tissue anymore. Use water to wash or use wet tissue (dip wet tissue into warm water). Eudocrem is quite good, u can try using this cream. Afraid of dehydration, better call ur pd to check


2y ago

Hi, each time she drinks, she poo. I thought only newborn that will poo so frequently. 5 months plus also will? these 2 days like 7 times a day. although the volume is not like poonami. Still normal? thanks