Baby monitor

FTM here. Is baby monitor really necessary for a small house like 3 room flat? I’m thinking of buying one close circuit one that don’t use wifi so can’t be hacked. But my family says no need cos the house is small.. I’m planning to let baby sleep with helper when baby turns 6 months old, so at least I can monitor baby sleeping without going inside the room, but not sure how the helper will feel with cctv inside the room.. #pleasehelp #1stimemom

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I tink it depends on you. In fact im a ftm staying in 4 rm flat. Baby is currently 2 mths old and she is slping in our rm. time to time we may use the baby monitor to c if she is aslp yet or when we r not in the rm. 😅😂 i tink we only bought it during 9.9 if i din rmb wrongly..

What’s the brand of monitor you all bought? Thanks

3y ago

Mine is philips one.