Caesarean section recovery-NUH
Hi, first time mom here and considering elective caesarean section at NUH. Highly appreciate some advice from mummies! 1. Any moms able to share about their recovery process for C-section? And whether it is at NUH or other hospitals. 2. Would you be able to breastfeed on the day of operation? Does the pain makes breastfeeding challenging afterwards? 3. For the wound, does NUH tends to use dissolvable stictches or would it be some kind of plaster? Did the scar heal fairly well afterwards? Thanks in advance!

Speaking for KKH. I think most hospitals are the same esp gov hospitals. Mine end up in emeegency csect 1) super painful. Please take painkillers even when you havent feel the pain. Itll come on the 2nd or 3rd hour after operation. You have to lie in bed for 24hours theyll wear for you compression socks and this one machine that covers your leg and kind of pump pump your leg ? Maybe to reduce blood clot and keep muscles going. Then for 2 days or so nurse will inject your tummy with blood thinning injection to prevent blood clot. They will also help to change your maternity pads cause your leg wont be able to move much due to the epidural or spinal sedation. After 24hrs, they will remove your urine catherer and will ask you to slowly walk to the toilet to pee. The first walk was super super painful to me really feel like my skin was ripped open. I have nurse on my left, husband on my right, helping me walk. Really feel like youre learning to walk all over again. Then she’ll ask you to pee. Have to sit down slowly dont spread your legs far, more painful. Sorry i cant sugar coat this cause really, csect very painful. And binder helps alot! Even when i was discharged i can barely walk. 2) yes theyll encourage you to breastfeed and nurses will everynow and then come and ask if youve breastfed your baby. I couldnt cause i had short and flat nipple so my bbay was formula fed. 3. Nowdays all hospital use dissolvable stitch. No need to remove itll dissolve within weeks. Theyll put a waterproof dressing over your incision to be left for few days to a week. Some hospital dont which i finsh scary your your wound would still have a bit of blood/puss. Mine didnt dry up totally after a week so i had to go to any nearby clinic to di another dressing. Mine healed after 3 months or so. Healed as in dry bt theres still on and off pain. Till now 13m pp, theres still on and off pain, especially when theres pressure eg your lo kick or step on it 🤡🤡 Oh and they will cut you very low. Literally on your pubic there, which i really didnt know until i take a look at my incision after more than a month cause i dont dare to look at this.
Read moreI did elective c section at a private hospital! Just wanted to offer a different perspective as I think the experience can be quite varied across individual. You really won't know how your body would take the pain until you actually go through it. I was petrified because this was the first time I had a surgery and prepared for the worst. But I walked to the washroom on my own from 24 hours after surgery onwards. Didn't even wake my husband when I needed the washroom in the middle of the night because I felt rest was important for him, since he'd need to do a lot of the chores when we get home with baby. By the time I was discharged at postpartum day 4, I was walking normally - just slower. Not because painful but because I was just cautious of not rupturing anything. I'd say the only major pain for me was when I sneezed / laughed right after surgery hahaha this one momentarily feels like the stitches rip LOL but it goes away when you stop la hahaha Just be sure to keep on top of your meds as per prescribed, even when you "feel" like your pain isn't bad. And because experiences can be so varied, my takeaway is that mental prep was way more important than anything else. Having a plan for recovery, leaning on social support systems to help with baby, using coping skills to be calm etc.!! Wrt breastfeeding, I think the bigger concern is that your mature milk will come in later (3-5 days postpartum) for c section. My colostrum wasn't enough and baby was also frustrated at learning how to breastfeed when hungry so that was anxiety provoking. Hospital gave formula to supplement while I continued to hand express and store in syringes for the nurses to feed. I also dealt with latching issues so I ended up exclusive pumping when I arrived home. Wishing you all the best with your delivery and take care!
Read moreI did elective c sect in NUH in 2022. 1. As long as I managed to get down bed on my own, remove urine bag and pee on my own, I discharge 3 days later. It’s actually save a lot on hosp bill! 2. Once I’m out of the theatre, they pushed me to an observation area. Immediately they brought baby for me to latch on and skin to skin. Once I’m able to feel my leg, then I proceeded to ward for recovery. Remember to ask for pain killer to make you feel better. I managed to tolerate the pain and breastfeed after the operation. 3. Dissolvable stitches. My scar healed well with no complications! I guess also depends on the skill of the doctor.
Read moreFTM too! Elective c section at PEH cause I have low to zero pain tolerance. Take the painkiller on time even after discharge. The discomfort is actually not so bad, I feel that it’s more on the physiological part and self scare. I managed to walk up and down the stairs once discharged. The stitches were self dissolved type. The wound was covered by a pad. I only removed it after the confinement month (I only wipe clean, no shower). So far so good. My scar is smooth and not very visible. Apply the scar gel religiously ya.
Read more1. had cs at tmc 2. able to bf upon regaining consciousness 3. stitches removed by gynae... healed fairly ok... tho can still see it but very low