baby fell from bed

A few days ago, my baby fell off the bed while I was momentarily distracted. Initially, it seemed like everything was fine. My baby cried for a bit but then stopped and appeared to be okay. I checked for any visible injuries and found none, so I tried to reassure myself that it was just a scare. However, not long after, my baby started vomiting and became unusually sleepy. My heart sank, and I immediately felt a wave of panic. I knew these could be signs of a more serious issue, so I didn't waste any time. I rushed my baby to the hospital as quickly as possible. At the hospital, the doctors examined my baby and conducted some tests. They explained that head injuries in infants can sometimes result in delayed symptoms, which was exactly what happened in our case. The doctors monitored my baby closely and thankfully, after some time and care, my baby was okay. #firsttimemom #sharingiscaring

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can I ask how long did the delayed symptoms come? my baby fell off sofa and had a small bruise on the front but no other symptoms that he is unwell.. monitored for few days also seem OK..

Hope your baby is all well now.





