Low PAPP-A level.

Hi everyone, i am in week 13 now. I have low PAPP-A level, it’s 0.24, was told that i will have a smaller baby. i’m kinda worried, wondering anyone able to advise on this? #pleasehelp #advicepls

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Don't be stress mum. ​God bless you and your baby. I don't have experience with this. I want to share what i saw on internet "low PAPP-A levels may cause anxiety but please be assured that the majority of babies will have normal growth and the pregnancy will progress without problem."

4y ago

is it common to be preterm delivery?

I just received report that I have low PAPP -A level too. Is it really bad?

4y ago

Have to see what the doctor said. Mine inform that i have risk of having small baby. They will monitor closely on the growth etc.

how was the pregnancy?