Plan on Maternity leave
My edd will be on 7 June. Just to check with experience mummies here when is the best time to start taking ML? Im under NUH private with Prof Su. Is she generous with HL? As i understand some mummies might request for HL instead of using ML so as not to waste it. TIA! #pleasehelp #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls

If your work allows, perhaps you can discuss with your boss to allow working from home in the week or two before you deliver? Then when you do go to Labour, the ML will kick in the next day. Having said that, using some AL as mentioned by the other mother is a good suggestion too, if your work doesn’t allow WFH. Since you’re only delivering in June, you should have ample AL and child care leave for the rest of the year when you return back to work. Most companies want their employees to finish using their leave in the same year, so there shouldn’t be a worry that you’ll not have sufficient to use in the last 4 months of the year. I delivered in March last year and worked right up till Labour. and after ML, cleared 1 day a week till October plus has balance to clear during Xmas period. Hope this helps with your planning.
Read morePlease take note if u are taking HL, make sure u did go back for work at least 1 day before u go on ML. That's becoz, if so unlucky u are on HL then suddenly need to go ahead with delivery, the HL u taken will turn into ML o! This is what my company practicing.. Not sure about others and urs.... Maybe better check with ur HR first....
Read moreive already check with my HR. once you deliver, automatically from HL change to ML.
I take off 1 week before EDD last pregnancy 2018, my previous company started my ML after I delivered the baby, like automatically date in. just clarify how your company works, cos some they don't count PH, and OFFS to the said 16weeks ML. ☺️
ive already check with my HR. once deliver, consider ML. cant use HL.
I had planned to start ml only when i delivered. So i basically worked till i got admitted (which happened the day before i delivered! So i started then)
ML starts on the day baby is born, even if before that you take HL. HL will be auto cancelled and changed to ML on the day baby is born.
My edd is on 13 May and I will use my AL first after the 1-3 May holidays cos HL not easy to get. Will only use ML frm 22 May onwards
im just worried if i give birth earlier. 😅
hi mummies may i check do anyone has sharp abdominal pain during 2nd trimester how do u overcome if u have?
You need to have valid condition that requires bed rest then you can be on HL…
my EDD is 27/03, but I'll be taking AL starting 14/03 to prepare my body and get ample rest
meaning you will be using your AL first and not ML?
May I check if you managed to get HL from Prof Su in the end?
yes2. I manage to get HL before my due date.