Feeling down
During my 2nd pregnancy i feel so sad i keep thinking about my past i try hard to forget n forgive but i can't its make me hurts every single days i feel like wanna run away ...tq #advicepls 😔

Hello Mummy! Don’t let your emotions take control of you. I know it’s difficult to let go of the thoughts that’s disturbing you, perhaps you can try to distract yourself with activities. Head out somewhere, meet friends or go for a walk to ease your mind. I don’t know what you’re going through but I sure know you’re a strong lady. The past will forever be with us, we can never forget but what we can do is to accept whatever that had happened and move on. Only with acceptance then you will be able to move on with peace and serenity. It’s ok to think about it, Just don’t let it control you ok. What comes ahead is much better In Shaa Allah 💗*hugs*
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Mommy of 1 naughty boy❤ I'm currently expecting