Seeking for answer

Hello, does anyone experience a baby with No heartbeat? I am in week 9 and unfortunately my doctor said the baby has no heartbeat. But the 1st check up I've done my baby was so healthy for 6weeks. How come it stopped now? I am in so much pain knowing I'm going to loose my 1st angel 😭😭😭😭 I Had this brown blood spotting for 4 days now but small amount only. Is this the reason why my baby's heartbeat stopped? Please share to me if u have experience. Is there's any possibility that my baby's heartbeat will come back? Photo below was taken when i was 6 weeks preggy. It was happily healthy.#pleasehelp #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

Seeking for answer
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hello, do seek for a second opinion before deciding on what to do but sometimes, miscarriage cannot be avoided. pregnancy that is unable to carry on in the first trimester is usually due to chromosome abnormalities/genetic errors that you really don't have any control over it. hope u will get your baby rainbow soon! take care.

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3y ago

My prayers are with you babe! ❤️

Dear mama, I’m sorry to hear this. Pregnancy and birth are forces of nature that we cannot control - I do believe however that everything happens for a reason. Has the doctor advised on what’s the next course of action?

3y ago

Thank you 🙏