Job interview while pregnant

Will you disclose that you are pregnant during job interview? I am afraid the employer will not be interested to hire me if I disclose it (i am in my week 8 only by the way) #advicepls #pregnancy #help

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Hi! I can understand where you’re coming from. In my opinion, if financially is important, maybe you might want to disclose after securing the offer. In this economy its hard to get an employer who would be gracious enough to hire you even if you are more competent, as they will need to find a replacement for you within a few months after you joined. Thats just my two cents worth to protect yourself. On the other hand of course honesty is always better, but it depends if you want to take the risk. There is not right or wrong here!

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Yes you should disclose and be honest upfront to your potential employer. If it is due to the reason that you are pregnant and they drop you, i guess u kinda can tell what kind of this company / future supervisor who is interviewing you is?

Yes you should. Interviews goes both ways. Just as you expect your employer to be honest with you, you should also be honest with them.

I would suggest to disclose as it is integrity issue.


yes you should disclose this information

Honesty is the best policy

best to be honest dear..

Yes u have to disclose


have to be honest