20wk pregnant
Did scan today doc said dat can't see the nasal bone.since baby not co operative when doing the details scan.not turning..what shld I do wait for next scan ?

For my 20 week detailed scan, my baby wasn’t moving either as he was sleeping. I had worked out that morning and hadn’t yet had breakfast that day so the sonographer asked me to have a sweet drink or a juice and come right back. He was moving a lot right after. Make sure u go to your next scan after food and drink. Speak to your doctor more about the genetic or other health risks if any at the next visit. Hope your next scan goes well ❤️
Read moreyou can try OSKAR the detail scan.mine was done on 13weeks and scan was quite clear. my baby was not turning for first time then the doctor ask me cough for few times the baby turned. Can check with doctor a do a detail scan .. your scan also seems blur..
most likely if u are under subsidy. u hv to wait for the next detailed scan. mine was cant see her lips throughout the whole pregnancy scan. cos they say maternal disposition(fat) and my baby was the not facing the front.
Mine too at 12 weeks cannot see nasal bone. But when 20 weeks can see alr .. have you taken ur harmony test ? If results are well then nothing to worry !!
have you taken your NIPT or harmony test in first tri? if you have done so and results are ok, it should be ok.
If you’re at high risk of a DS baby, they will call you before your next appt.