What should a pregnant woman consume ?
Dear mummies out there , what should i consume that's healthy for me and my baby ? #firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls I have lost of appetite for the past few days , all i want to do is nap time 😴

Always remember to eat no matter how nauseous you feel ok. The more empty your stomach is, the more teruk you'll feel. Drink milo, eat watermelon or banana as these 2 helps to curb the nausea. Take plain biscuit or plain porridge. Fatigue is totally normal in the 1st trimester. May even stretch to 3rd trimester for some. Be patient ok. This stage will pass. Rest as much as you can but remember to eat also.
Read moreconsul your doctor and theres multi vitamin supplement pills, this way you can ensure hv consume your daily dose of essential vitamins even when u lost your appetite completely. in my first trimester, i dont feels like eating either, understand it would be too tough to hv enough vitamin thru food consumption.
Read moreIn tri1 now, i only had steamed food. My tummy isn't feeling very good all the while so go light for the way. My daily meals are the same boring steamed Salmon and blanched dark leafy vegetables. I cannot stand the smell of garlic, curry or sambal, or anything fried or oily.
Very normal dear. Signs of bb is doing fine. So every day i just pray it will get better. For some symptoms it did go away. =) I still have 2.5weeks to hit tri2. Ah fighting =)
first trimester ? if ur feeling nausea or sick , eat watery fruits . eat small portion n frequently
totally normal 🙂
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