Worried 😟! Is IV drip more painful than epidural?
Currently Wk33, starting to get worried about labour pain. Mummies who has given birth before, can you let me know is the IV drip more painful than epidural ? Super low tolerance and afraid of needles 💉. #advicepls #firstbaby

Hi, I felt ok for both. Is the contraction pain that is unbearable for me. The contraction pain overtake all. I had epidural and I felt so relieved after that. Is like I finally can have a proper rest after suffering the pain for 5hrs+. I had 2nd epidural an hour later as the thing shifted but the pain is not as bad as contraction pain. Is best to take the epidural when you’re dilate at 3cm since you have a lower pain tolerance like me.
Read moreYou have to be at least 3cm dilated for epidural to be administered..by then the contractions will be far more painful than epidural 😅 But epidural really worked for me, I did not feel any pain for the next 10 hours and could sleep while waiting to be fully dilated, the pushing part was not painful at all too
Read moreIV drip is not painful .. at the end they leave a small plastic tube in the vein not mental needle . if you feel pain , is not being place probably or it have some information going on . u can also request a smaller needle and a small local pain killer so numb the area first if you are really scare ...
Read moreI felt more miserable with IV drip then epidural then contraction. Once IV drip is in, it will be stuck on my poor hand for hours and can't move much with that hand.... epidural insertion is fast for me.... labour also super fast. didn't even know I'm in active labour since not much pain
Iv drip is more painful.. I felt the pain constantly in my hands whereas the epidural is only like an ant bite at that point when they inject the needle into your spine. After which you basically can’t feel any pain from the lower part of your body but upper part still have sensation.
Not painful! Feels like ant bites. For me the only pain I felt was when they put in the needle to put the IV drip cos my veins are always hard to find and always need to be poke a no. of times. Other than that no pain. Contraction is extremely painful than the needles.
Dun worry! Epidural was ok when i took it at 7cm. No pain when pushing at all too. But for me i am not scared of needles so i cannot comment on that.. when they took my blood a couple of times because my vein was collapsing.. i also no feeling..
Both are not painful at all, at most some discomfort. Contractions are way way worse, especially when you hit 4-5cm dilated so suggest you request for epidural when you’re 3cm.
I'm fine with both, dun feel the pain for both. must see their skill for inserting also
contraction is much more painful than any injections including epidural