happened to me in first trimester and happening again to me in third trimester 😫 dont stress about whether you can sleep or not, can sleep good. cannot sleep then just relax. the more you stress the harder it is to sleep!
you'll be tired for sure, your body is using a lot of energy to help baby grow. I personally cut down on my schedule a lot in order to have more rest time (eg. I go out less, I try not to work overtime, I try not to stand up too long etc) to conserve my energy in those days I dont get good sleep.
I asked my doctor for advice, she say try to exercise in the evening to "tire" my body out a bit. no chocolates or tea near evening time (these contain caffeine). try to meditate or relax with some soft relaxation music from youtube or spotify.
it is a pregnancy symptom due to the changing levels of hormones, hope you'll get some good rest!
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