Contemplating for change to private or not

Currently under KKH subsidy. And still thinking if i should change to private gynae (still under kkh) when i reach 3rd trim and is it worth it ? I honestly dont mind the changing of gynae as of now (20w) but not sure how it’ll go for the next few checkups. And is there a big price difference for consultations between subsidized and private? And can private still claim medisave for vaccination & delivery #firsttimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp

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If you’re not particular about gynae and also ok to share rooms then I’d advise to just stay as sub patient. Private more for those who prefers to take 1 bedder and stick to 1 gynae. But also, private patients easier to schedule appointments compared to sub so this is to take into consideration as well. Yes, private can also claim medisave. Just that cash part you’ll pay more that’s all. Medisave part no difference.

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1y ago

After delivery, baby checkups will also be under private is it ?