To give pacifier or not

Currently my lo is 5mths old, he has a habit of sucking his hands in order to make himself fall asleep. Sometime even put the whole hands inside him mouth causing him to vomit out his milk. If we take his hands out he will start crying non stop. Even at home we carry him, shake him in cradle or pat him to sleep don’t works anymore. And now during daytime we will put him in infant care, the teacher told is he can’t sleep well during each of his nap, avg 15-30mins or maybe longest is 1hr (but night time he can sleep 8-10hrs). So the teacher suggest to us is to give him pacifier. And she said in future if he want to quit sucking hands is more difficult than quit sucking pacifier. For the past 5mths we have persist not to give pacifier and it seem like this time round we have no choice but to give pacifier. Anyone encounter similar situation? Or how do u deal with it? Thanks in advance. #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp

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we resisted too but pacifier is a lifesaver, it can help baby self soothe quickly. and it’s true, easier to quit pacifier as there’s a way to stop this (cut a hole in the pacifier and let them realise it’s no longer working)