Nauseated all the time
Hi all, currently in 6 weeks of my pregnancy but having nausea all the time. No appetite and not eating much lately.. anyone had same experience? How do you guys cope with it???#pleasehelp #firstbaby #pregnancy

it doesn't really go away, some days you'll feel better but some days you'll feel like absolute crap. I only had the plain meiji biscuits w plain water/milo and lost some weight due to poor appetite. most of the time, I just lay in bed and force myself to nap so I don't feel nauseous. try the himalaya salt mint candy, it kinda helps for me and don't leave your stomach empty which will make u even more nauseous. the only positive thing to take away from having morning sickness is that fetus is growing hence the body is adjusting to it and have all these pregnancy symptoms (at least for me!) take care!
Read moreevery morning. Then head back to bed for a nap. Wake up, eat small meals again then just rest when the nausea hits. Snacks on cold fruits help too! When I feel slightly better, I’ll do some chores & cooking coz I’m bored to death. I’m so used to working FT but since the morning sickness kicked in, I left my career at 8weeks. It was really horrible..
Read moreVery common to have morning sickness early in the pregnancy . I was like that with both pregnancy . But this 2nd pregnancy is worse . Lose alot of weight . Wat in small quantity . Eat food that has not much taste . Like plain biscuit , oatmeal . U can do this mommy !
i drank mama milk and ate in small quantities. if you cannot eat regular meals, try to eat fruits, nuts, and crackers. everything will be better soon!
i was like that too. try drinking soup or try eating meiji biscuit etc.
try to have small meals when you feel hungry