PPROM low and leaking amniotic fluid

Hi. Currently am 26 w, anyone able to advice on PPROM, leaking amniotic fluid and low amniotic fluids? So far my doc said I have leaking amniotic fluid but I've never seen it come out vaginally so is it possible to have resealed. Any more advice? Been drinking at least 5 l of water daily and taking care of myself with bed rest at home. #firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls

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Drinking lots of water is really good but 5l a day can be harmful. It's too much and could lead to water intoxication. Be careful on that. For pregnant women, we need to drink 2-3l/day. Bed rest as much as possible. Abstain from sex as you may be exposed to infection. Your gynae should tell you on the treatments? Like giving steroid? Antibiotics?

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4y ago

No antibiotics as I previously completed my course and didn't have an infection! I got steroids to help with baby lung development

pls do take care. i had it at 20 weeks and had to terminate my pregnancy as there were insufficient fluid for baby to survive. Praying for your smooth pregnancy journey. 💜

Ask for progesterone to be inserted vaginally if your gynae recommends

Increasing water intake. , Rest

xjddnd ex
