Childcare -stroller not allow place outside school

My child turning N1 next year, today was notify by school teacher that not allow put stroller outside school. Daily need dabao food, carry laptop bag and need hold hand with child go home. If he not cooperate is so hard to bring him home. Walking 10min home from school. My son is about 14kg kinda heavy.. Any advice? #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #advicepls

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Hi mommy, maybe you can look for alternative bicycle racks nearby to lock the stroller there after sending ur child to school. I know alot of parents do it too. my child's school is at the void deck of an hdb, so i lock the stroller at the bicycle rack, but try to get a portable stroller like gb pockit so that it does not takes up too much space. :)

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1y ago

thank u

Hi mummy, as his school is near to home maybe you want to provide him healthy snacks for him to eat while otw home? Something to distract him like his fave toy, book or song?

1y ago

That’s gr8!

Any possibility to get GB pockit stroller so you could bring it along to work too? It folds down to really small size though.