Sperm Analysis
Its been difficult for me and my husband. We have been trying for quite some time and went to the doctor for checkups etc. We both knew the problem was me because of my irregular menses. The doctor recommended for a sperm analysis (on top of my blood test for hormones etc etc). My husband didnt say anything during the checkup but we got into an argument because he didnt want to. Today, I found out that he cried telling his parents abt the sperm analysis because i told him to do it (which he already did and submitted) Should i be upset or should i feel guilty about it? #PleaseAdvice #pleasehelp #thankyou

Please don’t feel that way. Having a kid is two person’s problem, nothing wrong with trying to look for a solution. It’s probably ego problem for your hub when you ask him to go for fertility check ups. But what I don’t understand is that why would he complain to his parents? 🫣 My spouse and I are considered young and was TTC for a year before we got pregnant. Same as you, my period was irregular. My period can delay for an entire month, on different days and only lasted 3 days. There was also a period where we actively did it every day and it was still negative. I chanced upon folic acids and supplements for my hub and I was telling him that if this still doesn’t help, let’s go for fertility check up. In less than a month of consuming (we took blackmores), we got pregnant! (My bb is now 8.5mo!) So it’s not necessarily because of the irregular menses, try out folic acids babe and forget about the whatsoever ovulation test. The lesser you stress, the higher the chance. Good luck!! 💪🏻
Read moreJust a question - why need to inform your in laws about your partner going for sperm analysis? Me and my partner had gone through a lot in this ttc journey. But from the beginning until now, we did not mention a single thing to both side parents (be it fertility check/doing ivf). We feel that at the end of the journey having a baby in hand is more impt than the process. Anyways i feel u dont have to feel upset or guilty about it. It takes two hands to clap. Guys cant be pushing all the cannot concieve to ladies as there are a lot of factors now will affect their sperm quality (e.g age/lifestyle). And sperm analysis is quite common for guys nowadays.
Read moreMeasure Sperm Quality: Analyze Fertility Potential With Our Accurate Calculator https://toolsmule.blogspot.com/2023/04/sperm-analysis-calculator.html Additionally, sperm evaluation can additionally discover underlying fitness prerequisites that may additionally impact usual health and well-being. How to Prepare for a Sperm Analysis Before presenting a sperm analysis, it is essential to follow specific guidelines to make certain correct results. These suggestions may include abstaining from sexual pastimes for two to 5 days before the test, fending off alcohol and tobacco, and heading off warm tubs or saunas.
Read moreActually, it is common nowadays. My husband also did it. Not only once 😄. We have tried for 4 years and finally I am pregnant. We both did the fertility checkup. Besides the checkup, I highly recommend a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. And I use the Kindara app to track my cycles. It is better to know your data than nothing at all. I changed my diet healthier (strictly no caffeine for 6 months, and minim sugar food and drinks), and also consumed some supplements (please discuss with the specialist/nutritionist first). Good luck!
Read morehi, sorry to ask, how long have you been trying? for myself, i had 2 miscarriage before a success pregnancy which is now 8months plus. and i have known a couple who is 8 years married then only able to conceive. nowadays also there are many ways and methods to try to conceive includes traditional and modern. as for my religion, we believe that child is a form of sustenance, think positive. if God doesn't give you a baby, He might gave you other sustenance that you overlook. chin up and be surrounded with positive vibes aites!!
Read moreHi there, chin up! I have also been trying but now I am 7 months already. I was recommended by my girlfriend to try Belle Vie to regulate my menses, for every 28 cycle. And Malepro for my husband for optimal prostate health maintenance. We tried for almost 7 months while consuming this. It was great investment , I conceive LO as well. So u can try this alternative… I learnt that it’s important to regulate yr hormones, while trying to conceive - hence I tried this.
Read moreIsn’t a sperm analysis something quite private? I would hesitate to share with parents. That being said, it takes 2 hands to clap and 2 people to make a baby. Would be better to sort out the communication breakdowns and arguments because the TTC journey is even more arduous and stressful, let alone the pregnancy and parenting journeys!
Read moreNo need to feel guilty or upset. You are simply following your doctor’s advice. Actually, it is also very common for both the woman and man to both have problems with conceiving, not just woman only. The doctors need to know everything in order to be able to help you. Ultimately, all of this is just to bring your goal closer.
Read moreit's more than just irregular menses. no harm having both parties' health checked and there are many medical help available. I have irregular menses myself too, as long as >70days cycle!!! also thought will not be easy to conceive but who knows, one try and hit jackpot.
collectively if tried for more than 9 months , common to do check on both sides. at the end of the day, having a baby is a both sides decision. not like getting the test done costs more than few thousand dollars , if its manageable, definitely wanna cover all grounds!