My bb is already 6mths old but my tummy is still super big. For my 1st LO, tummy shrink after post-natal massage and I manage to bf for 8mths but this round, tummy didn't shrink even after post-natal massage. This round no milk to bf also. My ques is, if I go for another round of post-natal massage, will it helps? Any massager to recommend?

I would think the best would still be working on your diet (not going on a diet, but eating more balanced and nutritious meals and limiting the "unhealthy" stuff), and coupled with exercising. Some of my friends tried the various workout plans and challenges they find to help keep them motivated. If not, you can consider this the tummy trimming wrap and massage available. Not sure of it's effectiveness but worth a try if you are open to it. Have friends who had good reviews for BabiesBellies postnatal massage, so thought you can consider this.
Read moreI recommend Mdm Sadiah (tel no. 97724579) for a house visit treatment. She does a tummy massage for 1hr 45 min and there's a herbal wrap afterwards. A friend of mine engaged her services way back on 2012 and she was very pleased with the results. You might also want to consider wearing one of those tummy binders?
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Mummy of One!