Week 5 Pregnant and brown/pink discharge?

Hi, based on App, I'm at 5 weeks pregnant and have tested positive twice on digital kit. This week is supposed to be my menses week, and I started noticing pink/brown discharge when I wiped my private part. I'm not sure if it's a concern. My first last menses was 14 Apr... so on 14 May, I had this similar pink/brown discharge, which I mistook for menses blood. 15 May: I only tested when I noticed why the so-called menses blood only lasted, not even a day? 18 May: similar pink/brown discharge 19 May: similar pink/brown discharge Does this warrant a concern or known as spotting? I'm worried. My intention was to obtain a KKH subsidised appointment. Or should I go to a private GP tomorrow to check?

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I too had 3 days of spotting when it was supposed to be time for my period. Stopped after that. Then I took the pregnancy test and it showed up positive. I suspect it’s what they call ‘implantation bleed’ but really not sure.